
A Tournament object describes a tournament for which a single result is published. A Tournament consists of a number of Match objects, a number of Registration objects, and other optional information.


The tournament's name.


An abbreviated version of the tournament's name. If omitted, assume the same as the name.


Where this tournament happened.


Validation rules for scoring matches in this tournament.


The tournament's start date, including time zone, as an ISO 8601-formatted string in the tournament's local time zone.


The tournament's end date, including time zone, as an ISO 8601-formatted string in the tournament's local time zone.

registrationsArray of Registration

The organizations registered to play in this tournament.

phasesArray of Phase

The phases of play in this tournament.

rankingsArray of Ranking

The rankings used at this tournament.

audienceOne of the following:
  • elementary_school
  • middle_school
  • high_school
  • community_college
  • college
  • open
  • other

The intended audience of the tournament.

levelOne of the following:
  • novice
  • regular
  • nationals
  • other

The level of the tournament, within the context of its audience.


Free-form string of question set(s) used at this tournament.

contentOne of the following:
  • general_academic
  • specialized_academic
  • trash
  • other

The subject matter of the tournament question set(s).


Free-form string of other information relevant to tournament.



The tournament site's name (e.g. "Hyatt Regency O'Hare").


The location of the tournament. Free-form; the purpose is to enable people to find the site. An example might be "9300 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Rosemont, Illinois".


The latitude of the tournament's site (for geolocation).


The longitude of the tournament's site (for geolocation).



The name for this set of scoring rules.


The number of teams that participates in each match. If omitted, assume 2.


The maximum number of players that may be active at once, per team, in a match. If omitted, assume 4.


The standard number of tossups heard in a match. If omitted, assume 20.


The maximum number of tossups heard in a match that does not go into overtime. (Different from regulation_tossup_count for tournaments that used timed matches.) If omitted, assume 20.


The smallest possible number of overtime tossups or tossup-bonus cycles (as determined by overtime_includes_bonuses). If overtime is sudden death from the beginning, this will be 1, and that is the value assumed if this field is omitted.


Are bonuses used in overtime? If omitted, assume false.


The largest integer that is guaranteed to be a factor of a valid final score for one team in one match. If omitted, assume 5. If present, must be a positive integer.


The maximum possible score on a single bonus. Omitting this means there are no bonuses. If present and bonus_divisor is present, must be divisible by bonus_divisor.


The largest integer that is guaranteed to be a factor of a valid score on a single bonus. If omitted but maximum_bonus_score is present, assume 10. If present, must be a positive integer.


The smallest number of parts that may exist in one bonus. If omitted but maximum_bonus_score is present, assume 3. If present, this must be a positive integer. If maximum_parts_per_bonus is present, this must be less than or equal to maximum_parts_per_bonus.


The greatest number of parts that may exist in one bonus. If omitted but maximum_bonus_score is present, assume 3. If present, this must be a positive integer. If minimum_parts_per_bonus is present, this must be greater than or equal to minimum_parts_per_bonus.


The number of points earned for a correct answer to one bonus part. Omitting this while specifying maximum_bonus_score means that the number of points needn't be the same for all bonus parts. If present, this must be a positive integer. If bonus_divisor and this are both present, they must be consistent.


true if the non-controlling team has an opportunity to answer parts of a bonus that the controlling team did not answer correctly; false if not. If omitted but maximum_bonus_score is present, assume false.


The number of lightning rounds received by each team in each game. If omitted, assume 0.


The maximum possible score on a single lightning round. If omitted but lightning_count_per_team is present and positive, assume 100.


The largest integer that is guaranteed to be a factor of a valid score on a single lightning round. If omitted but lightning_count_per_team is present and positive, assume 10. If present, must be a positive integer.


true if the non-controlling team has an opportunity to answer parts of a lightning round that the controlling team did not answer correctly; false if not. If omitted but lightning_count_per_team is present and positive, assume true.

answer_typesArray of AnswerType

The different answer types possible in this tournament.


An AnswerType object has details about how tossups can be answered. If you’re talking about the traditional -5/10/15 answer types or some subset thereof, you can skip this and use the value field instead.


The number of points a player receives for this answer type.


How to label this answer type on reports. If omitted, turn the value into a string.


How to label this answer type on reports when space is limited, perhaps in a table column header. If omitted, use the label field.


Whether or not the team that gets this answer value will next receive a bonus question. If omitted, assume true if value is greater than zero and false otherwise.